news and other info

urbnCal c/o Rädda Barnen Sverige

A large pre-order from Rädda Barnen Sverige played a crucial role when we decided to go for a new edition of urbnCal. It is a great honor for us and we have also decided to donate 25 sek to Rädda Barnen
for every calendar sold in Sweden (if you live outside Sweden we leave it up to you if you want to donate some money or time to charity, maybe your local Save the Children organisation?).

The calendar is ready and the first packages have left for Stockholm, Oslo, Taipei and Osaka. Next Saturday 6/10 it’s time for release!

By |2020-04-17T11:17:26+02:00September 26th, 2012|CALENDAR, notes, ON WALL|Comments Off on urbnCal c/o Rädda Barnen Sverige

the eve of May Day


Today is the eve of May Day or Walpurgis Night and in Sweden we traditionally burn a fire to celebrate the coming of spring. This picture is taken a week ago when we spent Easter in Finland and took the chance to clean the attic. So our fire was a bit early.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00April 30th, 2011|notes|Comments Off on the eve of May Day

Christmas fairs!


Soon it is time for a Christmas tour. You will find us, for the second year in a row, at three Christmas fairs here in Stockholm, so it’s starting to become a tradition.

This year we move up one floor from Tellusgången and take part in Konstfacks Christmas fair at Telefonplan November 27-28, the fair is open between 10-17.

The following weekend you find us at Christmas at Rosendal in one of the lovely greenhouses on Djurgården. December 4-5, between 11-16.

It would be nice to meet you there! We are sure you will find something you like at these fairs, so remember to bring cash!

Throughout December, urbnCal will be in Bonniers julshop, Bonniers Konsthall.  Start with an exiting exihibition and then stop by the restaurant and shop.
Torsgatan 19, St Eriksplan, Wednesday – Friday 12-19  Saturday – Sunday 11-17.

By |2020-04-17T11:17:28+02:00November 13th, 2010|notes|Comments Off on Christmas fairs!